Maharaj of Ramkrishna Mission arrested for alleged rape of teenage girl student


Police have arrested a maharaj of Bankura Ramakrishna Math and Mission on charges of raping a class IX girl student on the Mission campus at Ashrampara in Bankura town.

The accused, Snehasish maharaj, was arrested by police from Memari in Burdwan last night after he fled there to escape the wrath of the family members and neighbours of the victim girl.

In the FIR lodged at Bankura Sadar police station, the girl’s father has complained that Snehasish maharaj, who has been the in-charge of the library at Bankura Ramakrishna Mission, raped his daughter when she used to go there to attend coaching class and access the library.

It has been alleged in the complaint that maharaj raped the class IX girl repeatedly for the past one month and captured her nude photo and video on his mobile phone. He also threatened the girl not to tell about their physical relationship to anyone, else he would disseminate the video and photographs.

Fearing this, the 15-year-old kept mum and did not reveal anything even to her mother. But recently her mother somehow sensed that there was something wrong with her daughter and began to quiz her leading to the revelation of what she could not even imagined in her nightmare.

Subsequently, her father informed about this to his relatives and neighbours who went to the Bankura Ramakrishna in groups yesterday. But by then, the accused maharaj had fled. The father then lodged the FIR and police arrested him last night from Memari in Burdwan.

The accused was produced before the Bankura district court today and the judge sent him to judicial custody until 02 November. The victim girl has been referred to a medical examination.

Junaid Ahmed, 12-Year-Old Dies In Pellet Firing. Junaid was killed inside his house: Family

Indian media reported:

A 12-year-old boy was killed after security forces fired pellet guns at protesters in Srinagar on Friday evening, sparking widespread anger in the city and prompting authorities to impose a curfew.

Junaid Ahmad, a resident of Saidpora in downtown Srinagar, was critically injured after being hit by a shower of pellets outside his home. Police said security forces fired pellet guns after clashes in the area. Junaid, however, was not part of the protests, police sources said.


“He was standing at the main gate of his home in the Saidpora area in downtown area of city when he was hit by a volley of pellets,” said an official who did not want to be named.

Junaid was critically injured as dozens of pellets hit his head and chest. Locals shifted him to Sher-i-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences where he died.


However, family members Junaid Ahmad on Saturday said that he was killed inside his house. They alleged that government forces barged into their residential house and fired pellets on him.

A family member told KNS that Junaid was at home when forces barged into their house and showered pellets on him.

“He was not out to fetch toffee from (army) camp or to fetch milk from police station,” she said while ridiculing the similar statement of Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti.

The family members demanded action against the forces personnel involved in the “killing of their beloved.”

The ruling PDP has called the death “unwarranted” and demanded a probe.

“We want immediate probe into the killing of Junaid and responsibly should be fixed. Junaid was not part of any protest when he was fired upon,” PDP General Secretary Nizamudin Bhat said.

However, the opposition National Conference has said the government is responsible for killings and blinding people in Kashmir.

Hundreds of people took to the streets in protest against his death after his body was brought to his home, shouting slogans against the government.

Security forces fired teargas shells as people marched with Junaid’s body towards a burial ground near the city’s Eidgah – a large ground for prayers during Eid.

Locals say as the funeral procession started, security forces tried to stop it. This led to further clashes and several people have been injured in teargas shelling and pellet firing.

As soon as Junaid was laid to rest at martyrs’ graveyard in Eidgah, the family members, relatives and neighbours, mostly women took to streets and raised anti-India and pro-freedom slogans.


Bill Gates: Myths and Facts

By: Rahul Sankatmochanam

I was searching for some information about the “man”, and found this funny information. It’s a list of how rich is Mr.Bill Gates.

Here are some interesting facts about Bill Gates in the year 2006. (Courtesy:

  • 1. Bill Gates earns US$250 every SECOND, that’s about US$20 Million a DAY and US$7.8 Billion a YEAR!
  • 2. If he drops a thousand dollars, he won’t even bother to pick it up because during the 4 seconds he picks it, he would’ve already earned it back.
  • 3. The US national debt is about 5.62 trillion dollars, if Bill Gates were to pay the debt by himself; he will finish it in less then 10 years.
  • 4. He can donate US$15 to everyone on earth but still be left with US$5 Million for his pocket money.
  • 5. Michael Jordan is the highest paid athlete in US. If he doesn’t drink and eat, and keeps up his annual income i.e. US$30 Million, he’ll have to wait for 277 years to become as rich as Bill Gates is now.
  • 6. If Bill Gates was a country, he would be the 37th richest country on earth.
  • 7. If you change all of Bill Gate’s money to US$1 notes , you can make a road from the earth to moon, 14 times back and forth.But you have to make that road non-stop for 1,400 years, and use a total of 713 BOEING 747 planes to transport all the money.
  • 8. Bill Gates is 51 this year. If we assume that he will live for another 35 years, he has to spend US$6.78 Million per day to finish all his money before he goes to heaven.
  • 9. If Microsoft Windows’ users can claim US$1 for every time their computers hang because of Microsoft Windows, Bill Gates will be bankrupt in 3 years.



We all know Bill Gates. He’s that rich dude who dropped out of Harvard, started Microsoft and ‘bam’, in a few years became a billionaire. Yeah right, you’ve heard all that jazz before. But is it true? Is everything you heard about bill gates, the real deal? Maybe you won’t think so, by the time you finish. Just read on.

In case you don’t know it, the most popular PR method of wiping up frenzies and turning a start-up into the most popular and valuable commodity is to twist the truth a little bit, not obviously lie but do it in a way as to create awe and acceptance.

How do I mean?

If you have an interest in rap music, then you must have heard that the immensely popular rapper 50 cent got shot nine times. Well he only got shot nine times in one incident! Definitely not nine different times. But who cares? That’s what his record company says, and rap fans lap it up. It’s a similar theme to the Bill Gates story.

Here’s the story that’s floating around currently and all the lies exposed.

The Myths

Myth #1:

Bill Gates was your average Joe who happened to love computers and hit on the brilliant idea that personal computers who would soon be in demand all over the world and decided to create software that would make using the computer easy.

Myth #2:

He got admitted into Harvard to study law. But he’s bored stiff with all the legal stuff and decides to quit. So he drops out and he starts his own company. While he’s there in Harvard, he meets Paul Allen and together they start Microsoft. Then soon they find a venture capital firm who provides their start-up capital.


Myth #3:

Then they develop a computer program which they licensed to IBM while retaining the license to sell the program to other companies. (Now doesn’t it just strike you to be a little odd that Bill’s company got that deal? I mean Microsoft wasn’t even a big enough company then. Sure Bill was a brilliant guy but then… 🙂


Myth #4:

Fast forward a few years; Bill creates the program which will prove his golden jackpot, the Windows 3.0.


Wow, what an incredible classic American story, one of grass to grace. But the REAL TRUTH is that The King of Microsoft, perhaps one of the brightest business men ever had a few breaks in life. He may be the second richest man in the world today, but he was in pretty good shape on the day of his birth! Let’s expose the lies right away.

The Facts:

Myth #1 EXPOSED:

You see, Bill wasn’t your average poor, ‘I-have-a-butcher-for-a-father, Joe’. His father, Bill Gates Jr. was a wealthy and very successful corporate lawyer long before Bill invented any software. But Daddy was nothing compared to Mom! Bill’s mother, Mary Gates, was the grand daughter of J. W Maxwell, the founder of Seattle’s National City bank in 1906. In his early years, Bill attended Lakeside School, one of the most prestigious and expensive private schools in the Pacific Northwest. That’s where he met and befriended Paul Allen, not in Harvard


Myth #2 EXPOSED:

He picked the perfect parents, PARENTS WHO WERE ONLY TOO GLAD TO PROVIDE HIM WITH START-UP FUNDS FOR HIS COMPANY! With Bill’s rich background and connections provided by his parents, is it still any surprise to you that Bill got the money he needed to start-up his company? He had access to millions of dollars in a trust set up by his great-grandfather on the day he was born and a bank to boot!


Myth #3 EXPOSED:

Bill’s mother was a well connected businesswoman and served on various boards as a director of first Interstate bank and Pacific Northwest Bell. But wait, it gets better (pun intended). Mary also served on the board of directors of United Way and who do you suppose served alongside her on that same board? John Opel, CEO of IBM! Do you see now how bill and Microsoft got that deal with IBM? Connections are really necessary for success, what do ya think?

While serving on that board table with IBM’s CEO, IBM just happened to choose Mary Gate’s son, Bill, to develop the operating system (called MS-DOS) for all IBM personal computers. Now that’s a break you don’t get everyday!


Myth #4 EXPOSED:

Bill never invented Windows 3.0, nor did his busload of computer programmers. That nifty piece of real art was invented by an ordinary guy like you and I. Bill bought it off him for a whopping $50,000! I wonder if the mafia was trying to collect from him and he had to sell that fast and that low. By now he must be cursing himself because Bill is a billionaire just because of Windows 3.0.


According to Microsoft legend, Bill dropped out of school to create Microsoft and change the world. Don’t you think that maybe one of the reasons he was so quick to take that risk was that he had no worry about who would pay the bills?

Before you think I hate Bill, I don’t. On the contrary I love the guy. But certainly I don’t champion his charity exploits around the world. I can’t hate him, even if I wanted to. And don’t forget he gave me Windows and Office. Those two software has made my life easier.

Whether you think that’s right or not, that’s your opinion. All I want you to know is that if you want to get rich, achieve immense success, become famous or anything, you will achieve a much better chance modeling successful people who come from the same background as you and still made it to the top.

All is not always as it seems, before you go out and start looking for someone to mentor you, you need to be sure that they are coming from the same background as you do. If they’re not, you’ll just feel inadequate and won’t learn a thing from them.

If you are from an ordinary background, I tell you now that you can make it top the top. Yes, you can, if you’ll take the time to discover the success technique that works for you.

Success is yours.

Bill Gates, Monsanto and Population Control

By: Reema Roy


“The world today has 6.9 billion people and that’s headed up to about 9 billion. If we do a really great job, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.” ~ Bill Gates

Bill Gates believes the density of the population in poor areas is too big, and with his depopulation plans he can ‘solve’ that problem. Consider his huge buyout of Monsanto stock – he owns millions of shares of Monsanto and Cargill stock, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation keep scooping it up. He owns more than $23 million worth, or 500,000 Monsanto shares.


Seattle-based Agra-Watch, part of the Community Alliance for Global Justice, has said:

“Monsanto has a history of blatant disregard for the interests and well being of small farmers around the world… [This] casts serious doubt on the foundation’s heavy funding of agricultural development in Africa.”

It also casts serious doubt on the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and its true interests in supporting the ‘poor’ populations they so proudly claim they are trying to ‘help.’

Gates also funds programs that blast men’s reproductive organs with radiation so that they can no longer produce progeny, and covert nanotechnology that delivers dangerous vaccines. The Gates Foundation is also teaming up with the British government in raising $4 billion to fund their birth control agenda worldwide by 2020.

You can hear Melinda Gates talk about pushing birth control in a TED talk, even. She acts as if people should have choice about birth control but they have focused on poor areas in places like Africa, where they also happen to push their genetically modified food agenda. Melinda Gates even says, “some people worry that the promotion of birth control is to control population.”

Kwame Fosu, policy director for the Rebecca Project for Human Rights, says Mrs. Gates’ claims are “disingenuous” because the women she claims to be helping are not being informed about the dangers involved. [The Foundation pushes Depro Provero, made by Pfizer, and also the contraceptive called the most dangerous by the US FDA.]

“No African woman would agree to being injected if she had full knowledge of the contraceptives’ dangerous side effects,” Kwame Fosu told C-FAM, the Catholic Family & Human Rights Institute. “In fact,” claimed Fosu, “in countries where women are educated on the harmful complications, Depo Provera use is negligible.”

Why concentrate on birth control in developing nations? Because then you can control them through controlling their populations. Add this to rampant political maneuvering to try to get the remaining people hooked on GMOs, and you have a docile, sick, dependant country, living only on your pharmaceuticals and fake-food.

Fast Company reports that the Gates Foundation has invested $11.9 million in research towards a Virus-Resistant Cassava (GMO) strain for Africa, and a recent Wikileaks cables revealed that the Department of State has virtually become an agency for promoting the private interests of the Monsanto Corporation, which Bill is heavily invested in. Connect the dots. Just connect the dots.

(I am greatly indebted to my mentor, whose name i cannot reveal to avoid legal hassles, for helping me with this article. In fact  in places I have just penned word by word what he said.- Reema Roy)

If the Cow is Your Mother, You Bury Her: Gujarat Dalits Cry Liberation

About 800 committed activists began the Dalit March to Self Liberation, an 81 kilometre walk that is being likened to the Washington March led by Blacks that took place 53 years ago. As the march began at around 10 a.m., from Vejalput in Ahmedeabad, Jignesh Mevani, the 35 year old Dalit lawyer activist who has become one of the faces of the upsurge spoke to Teesta Setalvad, Co-Editor, Sabrangindia in an exclusive interview. 



Jignesh Mevani


What is the significance of the Aazadi Kooch March?

The uprising in Gujarat has been historic. Last Sunday, on July 31, 2016 20,000 Dalits of Gujarat took an oath, swearing by Dr Babasaheb Amvedkar, that they would renounce, give up in protest the filthy, de-humanising work of lifting dead carcases, cleaning sewers and gutters and streets, all filthy work designated to them by a rigid and discriminatory caste system, the Hindu caste order. This was a milestone. We hope that this inspires Dalits from all over India. That it has started from Gujarat is historic.

The Padayatra, the March is the next step to consolidate the demands of the uprising and agitation. The march, covering 81 kilometres from Ahmedabad (Vejalpur) to Una will traverse hundreds of villages spreading the message and the collective demands of 30 organisations. We will dialogue with Dalits along the way; we will speak to OBCs and other communities about our demands for a renewed liberation. Dalit chetana ko jagaani hai…

We are demanding alternative employment, dignified occupations. We want to till land, free ourselves from the indignity of carrying dead carcasses of cattle, be they cows or buffaloes, cleaning sewers and gutters and the streets. This is a revolt against the indignities of the caste system dumped on us, for centuries.

Will it be easy to abandon the livelihoods of generations…

We know how very difficult it is. My father himself performed this occupation for years; it was the only source of income for us. We know it is not easy to throw off this work and demand dignified alternatives…but we are determined to try, through a movement.Dalit ka astitva isi se mukt hone se juda hua hai…Dalits can only be truly free with alternate, dignified, work.

What is the alternate work that you are demanding?

In Gujarat, the Gujarat Land Ceilings Act and the Government’s Agricultural Policy have provisions to apportion 5 acres each of land to Gujarat’s Dalit families. This must be done. Immediately. Brooking no further delay. A government that can grant land, virtually free or gratis to Adanis, Ambanis and Essar surely can grant land to Gujarat’s Dalits? This is a social revolution for Dalit’s economic upliftment.

We realize also there are contradictions within the wider Dalit caste/communities—that is the sub-castes. We realize that this ius our greatest challenge, the 1,500 sub-castes within/among Dalits; an issue that is difficult to resolve. Among this disvision, for the wider upliftment of the Dalits, keeping the issues of economic upliftment, social emancipation, the divisions of sub-castes and the crucial gender issue we are hopeful of taking this movement forward [to every corner of Gujarat and nationally. We appeal to all Indians, democratic and secular, be they Gandhian, Communist, Feminists or from non governmental organizations to join this movement for upliftment and emancipation.

Marela pashoo tamhe rakho, Amne Jameen Aapo (Keep the Dead Cattle, Give us Land) is the Slogan, the Driving Force behind this upsurge.

We see this as a movement against the caste system and globalization. Botht he caste system and globalization must be defeated.




You and your colleagues have made strong comments on the Gujarat Model of Development? How has this model affected the most marginalized sections of society?

We feel cheated, defeated and frustrated by the Gujarat Model of Development. This is why Gujarat’s Dalits, supported by all right thinking individuals from Gujarat and outside are demanding an end to the oppressive cultural and social practices that are a direct result of the caste system.

What are the Ten Specific Demands that the Aazadi Koon March is Making?

The Prevention of Anti-Social Acts (PASA) should be applied to all Accused for the Una Thrashing and Humiliation of Dalits on July 11 so that they are re-arrested when released on bail. All other accused should be arrested forthwith

Police Officers Complicit in the Humiliation and Beating of Dalit Tanners on July 11 should be Speedily Charged and Prosecuted with Sections of Criminal Conspiracy and Atrocities Act included against them

Frivolous complaints against 70-80 Dalits lodged last Sunday, July 31 –43 such frivolous cases were lodged by the Gujarat police in Dhodka alone—simply for agitating and participating in the historic demonstration last Sunday (July 31) should be withdrawn speedily and immediately.

The charges and prosecution of those Police Officers found guilty of shooting to kill, using AK 47s, peacefully protesting Dalits in 2012 (Thangadh, Surendranagar) in 2012 should be expedited. It is four years now and not only has the Enquiry Report not made public but the charge sheet has also not been filed!

Special Courts for Offences under the Atrocities Act, a must under the law should be set up in all 25 districts of Gujarat state.

Five Acre Plots must be Duly and Fairly allotted to Dalits forthwith as is required under Section 3(1)(f) of the Atrocities Act.

All Nagar Pallikas (City Corporations/Local Bodies) in Gujarat should pay the Safai Karmncahris wages on par with the Sixth Pay Commission.

A Reservation Act should be enacted in Gujarat immediately. Today all reservations/affirmative actions in Gujarat are at the discretion of the Exevutive and are initiated or effected only through a Government Resolution/GR.

Budgetary Allocations for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (SCs/STs) should be used exclusively for these sections. Today the funds so allocated are diverted elsewhere by the Gujarat Government.

Gujarat Government should Apologise Publicly Before Dalits of the Country for Withdrawing and Pulping the Book on Dr Babsaheb Ambedkar that spoke about his Radical Thoughts on Hindusim and the 22 Point Oath he Took to Convert to Buddhism in 1956.


“Official figures point to a 44 percent increase in violence against Dalits in 2014, the year in which the BJP came to power at the Centre, as compared to 2010. A full 30 percent of the 47,064 crimes in 2014 were committed in four BJP-ruled states — Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat and Chhattisgarh.
Just in last few weeks, Dalits were beaten by Bajrang Dal activists in Congress Party-ruled Karnataka, they were thrashed in BJP-ruled Gujarat and Maharashtra, and were urinated upon in Nitish Kumar’s Bihar. Cow vigilantes attacked Dalits in Lucknow even while the agitation in Gujarat was underway.”


Further Demands of the Aazadi Kooch March also also include:


  1. The 1,20,000 applications for Land under the Forest Rights Act received from Adivasis by the Gujarat Government should be immediately distributed as per the provisions of the law.
  2. Dalits of Gujarat are demanding licensed weapons for self-defence. Security is a huge issue for Dalits of Gujarat. We do not feel safe in Gujarat, we are being attacked in Villages.
  3. Taleem (Training/Education) Centres to Teach Dalits Martial Arts, Judo Karate like they do for other Castes and Communities during the Khel Maha Kumbh.
  4. Smart Centres for Dalits to Enable them to Rise Over the Social Ostracisation and Boycotts and Live in Sattelite area, Narangpura and Navrangpura’s posh localities
  5. Narendra Modi’s Start Up India Campaign should have Special Economic Provisions for Dalits who want to leave this thankless work and rehabilitate themselves into dignified labour.

Courtesy: Sabrangindia